Annual Day forms an integral part of our institute activities. It is an occasion of celebration, felicitation, feast and festivity when trainees present not only their wonderful performances but also receive honours for their curricular and co-curricular achievements.
The Annual Day 2020 was celebrated on 06 February 2020 after 3 days sports activities.
Hon. Mr. Ram Singh Kaira (MLA Bhimtal Constituency) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest for the Cultural Show. Mr. Kaira and our Principal were completed the Prize Distribution function.
Our Principal Mr Shankar Lal extended a warm welcome to all the dignitaries present. Talking of the importance of technical knowledge as well certification on today’s industrial requirements he explained the value of trainees time trainee spend over this ITI for shape their future . The three-hour long Cultural Show held the audience in awe and left them enlightened as the show culminated. The journey of child from an unplanned thing to a target oriented industrial material.
The Hon. Chief Guest Mr. Ram Singh Kaira was all praise for the show. He congratulated the institute for taking such an edifying program which requires a quick moral action on everybody’s part.
The Annual Prize Distribution function was a moment of pride and honour for all the winners and achievers of the ITI. The trainees were awarded prizes in the Academic as well as Co-Curricular areas. The function included Saraswati Vandana, Orchestra by the trainees and Traditional Kumauni Dance.
Our Principal Mr. Shankar Lal presented the Annual Report. He read out the achievements of the ITI – both Academic and Co-curricular and wished success to the trainees who could not make up for the prizes.